Worthy Brewing SWAG 2018
Baseball hats
Corduroy / Wool Hats w/ a leather patch
Flex Fit Hats (hop turn and 3D Worthy)
Camo w/ Embroidered logo
Foam Truckers - Mostly used as event swag, but we also provide them for sale in the pub. To keep costs down, we keep to 1 color print.
New Idea Foam Trucker - Seeing a trend in printed foam truckers, this is a concept.
Comment: |
We have several options here. I felt it important to showcase more than 3 since they each resonate with a different demographic and we are seeing |
New Concept Foam Truckers Hat
Hop Turn Flex Fit

Worthy Flex Fit
Camo Hat
Foam Truckers Hat |
Wool and Corduroy Leather Patch
Paper Boy Hat
Paper Boy Hat